Current Auctions:
From time to time we will auction off a piece of art that has been donated to ArtGivingHope.org. Because of your help, we have donated over $283,850 worth of supplies, cash and professional medical services rendered.
Starting in 2024, all money raised on this website will be donated to help fight the devastating effects of Diabetes in the Polynesian nations of the Pacific. We help send surgical/educational missions to help stop amputations, infections and help treat wounds, kidney failure, eyesight concerns etc.
We are able to provide $10 worth of care for every $1 dollar raised.
"Fission" Wood and Resin abstract art, nuclear explosion interpretation. Dan Preece
A wood and resin piece inspired by the stories of Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project.
This is made up of 6 upright 16 inch clear, square, resin panels. They are standing one in front of the other so you can see through them, from front to back. Each layer has a series of square wooden blocks on them and each one placed in a specific pattern. Making this an amazing art piece on constant display by design.
Dimensions measure 16 “ x 16” and weighs 15 lbs.
I just finished a long history book talking about the whole period of time when the discoveries of the atom and its characteristics were being discovered and understood and how it culminated in the making of the atom bomb etc. I minored in chemistry and took physics in college before med school and these subjects are incredible fascinating, terrible and amazing all at once. The power of one atom.
~ Artist, Dan Preece
100% of the proceeds from the sale of this item will be donated to ArtGivingHope.org
Watch how it was made here on YouTube: Dan Preece, Wood, Resin and Photographic Art - YouTube
See us at ArtGivingHope.org for more awesome pieces!