Our Diabetic Limb Salvage Missions
Medical Supplies Crates 2024
We have been working hard to collect needed medical supplies and ship them to Tonga. To-date this year we have sent TWO crates from Utah with >$40k worth of medical equipement and supplies with another of the same size almost ready to send. We have also partnered with Medical Teams International from Oregon, who have sent 2 full pallets of wound care supplies and wheelchairs, crutches, knee scooters etc, one pallet valued at $20k and the other around $3k.
Needed supplies are diabetic wound and limb salvage related: gauze, tape, offloading felt, post op shoes, CAM boots, wound vac supplies, pulsavac, iodosorb, betadine, compression wraps, wheelchairs, crutches etc.
We are always taking donations at :
430 N 400 W, SLC UT 84103
Office Number: 801-532-1822
Tonga July 2024: NEAR Research, Diabetes Prevention and Limb Salvage Mission
Drs Dan Preece and Dr Scott Shelton and their families teamed up with HopeForDiabetes.org (Amanaki Fo’ou) and their team of doctors, nurses, researchers, educators and volunteers. 2 weeks of surgical interventions, research, clinic exams, diabetic and health classes, service projects building gardens etc were provided. >$50,000 worth of supplies were shipped to Tonga and distributed and >$65,000 worth of medical interventions were carried out.