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Starting in 2024, all money raised on this website will be donated to help fight the devastating effects of Diabetes in the Polynesian nations of the Pacific. We support surgical/educational missions to help prevent limb amputations and infections and help treat wounds, kidney failure, eyesight concerns etc related to Diabetes. Because of your help, we have donated over $283,850 worth of supplies, cash and professional medical services rendered.

We are able to provide $10 worth of care for every $1 dollar raised.

Metal Art

"Titanium" Chain Maille Bracelets
from $100.00
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"Viper Berus" Bracelet (Item 11)
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"Orbital Barrel" Bracelet (Item 7)
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"Shaggy Loops Bracelet" (Item 3)
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"Round Maille Bracelet" ~ Red & Black (Item 1)
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"Dragon Claw Chain Maille w/ Stone Earrings"
from $25.00
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"Byzantine Chain Maille Bracelets"
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"Foxtail Bracelet Green and Grey" (Item 9)
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Candy Cane Cord Bracelet - Blk, Blue, Slvr (Item 13)
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Wire Wrapped Key Tree on Aventurine
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